Weather forecasters are predicting a cool and wet winter, but that's nothing to be worried about. All that rain translates into lots of snow in the higher altitudes. There's already more than a metre of the white stuff up at Mt. Washington. And all that snow means lots of fun for our next event - the Second Annual Into the Wild Snow Spectacular.
For those of you who didn't join us last year, the Snow Spectacular is a free-for-all party in the powder. Snow forts, snowballs, sledding and snowshoeing. Whatever your idea of snow fun is, bring it along.
Meet at the parking area off the Strathcona Parkway about 10 km up the mountain at 1 pm on Saturday, December 10th. We will bring along some hot chocolate, you bring the mugs. This promises to be a great time for everyone and a fun-filled way to get into the spirit of the season.